Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fall Break

A five day weekend, what am i supposed to do. On Thursday i'm going to the game. Friday me, my cousin, and his friend, and my church are going to play putt-putt and then we're going to the mall. Then saturday i'm going to my cousin's house and we're going to Nightmare that night. So hopefully I'll be off work the whole time.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Dark Knight

The new Batman movie is the 2nd greatest movie ever. (The best is Stand By Me). I'm sure most people have already seen it, but if you haven't, i recomend it. It has beaten Star Wars as the second highest grossing movie ever, second to Titanic. Now we still aren't sure about the next addition but it is rumered to have the riddler, catwoman, or two-face could be back. Either way I'm looking forward to it.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The playoffs

The MLB is finally in the postseason playoffs. We have the Boston Red Sox and the Tampa Bay Rays in the American League and the Phillies and L.A. Dodgers in the National League. My pick is the Sox and the Dodgers going to the World Series and the Sox will win after the 5th game in the series.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

presidential campaign

This years presidential campaign is heating up. The two candidates are of course John McCain and Barrack Obama. After last nights debates, Obama is leading McCain 49% to 44% and 7% is unsure. The goal for McCain last night was for him to find a mistake Obama had made and then McCain would pick it up and run with it. However, Obama did his homework and never gave McCain any kind of edge, which kept him in the lead at the time.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Episode 1

On the first episode of survivor the cast was split up into two tribes. The names were Fang and Kota. They suddenly jump into their first challenge. They had to race through a prarie and up a huge hill. Waiting for them at the top were two individual immunity idols, one for one person on both tribes. Then, the first tribe to get all their members to the top would win a reward, corn and beans. G.C. was the first to the top for Fang and Marcus was first to the top for Kota. But with the tribes oldest member, Gillian, Fang fell way behind. Kota got to the top and won the corn and beans. When the tribes get to their new camps, they are suprised to see two broken down huts. Bob immediately starts taking charge when he fixes up the huts. On Fang, Gillian starts to annoy everyone with her accent and how she would'nt shut up. On Kota, Ace starts to annoy with his British accent and how he thinks he knows everything. The most annoying person to me is Randy. At the immunity challenge 6 members of both tribes were tied together they wuold race through a swamp and other obstacles, where they would come to 3 sand pits. There they would dig up 3 bags of puzzle peices. The remaining 3 tribe members would solve the puzzle. First tribe to solve it would win immunity and flint. From the get-go, Kota had a commanding lead over Fang. As they tride their hardest to play catch up, G.C. was barely making any kind of commitment to the Fang tribe. Well, Kota won. At tribal council, the members were telling host, Jeff Probst, how they didn't have a leader. They also start arguing about who didn't help out during the challenges. Well G.C. says he would be a leader but doesn't really volunteer himself, but the tribe nominates him the leader. With that, the first person voted off was Michelle, one of the tribes most athletic player on the Fang tribe.